Thursday, February 10, 2011

"The Sugar Child" By: Monique De Varennes (Folk Literature)

This is a “sweet” tale about two friendly bakers who have always longed to have a child of their own, but never have. One night as the baker was working on a batch of marzipan, he forms his dream child. The next morning they wake up to find that the little sugar child has become a real girl. The little girl was well liked by everyone and soon became good friends with a sickly little boy. Her parents try to hide her from the truth about her friend, fearing that her tears will make her disappear. But the sugar child is overwhelmed by concern for her friend, and her visit ends up being great for both of them.

I think that this is a great tale of love and loyalty for any age group. In my classroom, there are several things that I can think of using this book for. The first is to have the students write about something that they think this story has taught them. They may choose to discuss friendship, loyalty, a parent’s love and concern, etc. Another thing that I may have them write about is to tell about a time when they were concerned for a friend or family member, and what they learned from that experience. Another fun thing to do would be to have the students create an advertisement for the bakery in the book. Although the story doesn’t give a lot of details, you can get a lot from the pictures. They could draw pictures of the family, tell about the baked goods they have, draw the actual building, come up with their own prices, etc. After they are made, the class could decide on which ones are most creative, realistic, and so on. 

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